NO, I’m NOT on TikTok any longer

I was on TikTok at this link

But due to scammers creating fake accounts there, and TikTok doing nothing about people pretending to be me, you won’t find me there now.

I was really enjoying Instagram… I liked it mostly because there’s really not much thinking required …”Oh, look at the pretty pictures and videos!” It also let me avoid all the political stuff…though I’m a political person, Facebook was stressing me out and giving me panic attacks so I’d been hiding out with a small group on Instagram…but now even that’s changing.

In the last few months, I’ve been dealing with people on Instagram stealing my photos and pretending to BE me. Either someone would point it out to me, or I’d find it myself when trying to tag myself (There’s a fan club group on Facebook someone created, and it’s filled with delightful and diligent people helping me track these people and take them down). I’m super grateful for the help, but I admit when I see someone fraudulently pretending to be me, I feel really icky. Hell, some of the fake people had more followers there than I do! So if you’re seeing anyone other than @BobGentry say they’re me on IG, they’re definitely NOT; I only have 1 account there.

Instagram has been helpful removing these fake accounts, but they keep popping up. I applied many times for a blue badge but apparently I’m not famous enough…I’m only famous enough that people think my image will be good to scam people with [rolls eyes]. I suppose I should be flattered.. I’m not.

Some of these fake people were pointing people to my website trying to make themselves more “official”…so if you’re reading this having had followed one of those other fakers, I’m happy you’re here, but please know those are NOT me. That being said, I’m happy to make social media friends 🙂