Bob Gentry – Fortune Favors

Today starts the official Pre-Order for the new record! There’s T-shirt and Mugs as well…quite spiffy!

I released a 5 song EP (Back on the Horse) while we were all on lockdown as a little teaser, but this is my first full-length album in 10 years!

I added a page on my website that lists all the credits to all the incredible people who helped …but an extra special thanks for Kirk Pasich [for digging me up from under a rock and signing me] and Dave Darling [for producing something I’m so proud of].

I admit, I’m rusty when it comes to all the shameful self-promotion stuff that goes along with releasing a record, so please forgive this “old-timer” for not knowing proper uses of hashtags heheh. Last time I did an album people were actually buying CDs….and now, I don’t even own a CD player myself.

I’m looking into possibly doing some shows as soon as it’s safe and I can find the right venues. I spent many years playing the club scene, but I think I’d like to try some different things down the road…like perhaps House Concerts or something more intimate; but we’ll see what the future holds….there is some Desert Concerts I did not too long ago that were filmed and will hopefully be released for public viewing at some point…more to come of those!

“But how can I help?!!?!?”—Well, I’m glad you asked!! lol Honestly, the biggest help of all is by helping to spread the word [buying 50 copies isn’t bad either, but there is no greater gift than a little Word of Mouth].

I hope you enjoy the new record as much as I enjoyed making it. I’ve missed music tremendously and I now feel like myself again!

Thanks for being in my corner to all the fine folks at: