Somehow, I made the cut! CrAzY!
If you’d like to cast a vote for me that’d be nice, but be sure to vote on other categories of your favorite Coachella Valley people, places, and things. Here’s the link https://vote.cvindependent.com/ *be sure to read the rules…there’s only a few of them π

I should add, there were a few people who messaged me (iPhone Users) who had a hard time registering. It took me a while to figure it out (cuz I’m old), but if you zoom in close to the B, there’s a little tiny check box you’ll need to check. It really is tough to see but I promise you, it’s there π

Lastly, THANKS to whoever nominated me, and to those who vote!!!
I really don’t expect to win, but this is a great honor! And it’s also some nice exposure– even those who don’t vote for me will at least see my name…so it’s a WIN-WIN! Woot!
I won’t be “campaigning” for votes, even though I probably should…but I’ll politely mention it…which is what I’m doing now. I might politely remind when the deadline is too LOL π
Big thanks to: