Blue Lounge Sessions

I had fun taking over the label’s Instagram yesterday. Here’s a little recap!

My first time doing any sort of Live Stream thing…it’s a very surreal experience. It took me about a song or 2 to start feeling more comfortable but after it ended, I found my sweet spot! heheheh

Buy the Bundle

Order in the court!

The Single “20 Years to Life” is out now and available on all digital places like iTunes, etc (if you’re searching), but here’s a link if you want to snag the T-Shirt and Pre-Order on a desktop:

*There’s also an Order Now button on my website menu.

Buy the Bundle

I turned my living room into a little “noise-making” area so I can stream a lil’ live show on Instagram this Wednesday. It’ll be streaming on Blue Élan Records Instagram at 5pm (PST).

It’s going to be a quickie little live thing, and I’ll be doing my best to make a 1-iPhone-cam video/audio look as best as it can, but keep in mind, there won’t be any pyrotechnics, flashy lights, or a band….it’s just me in a living room unplugged environment. 🙂 [End of Disclaimers]

Follow my own Instagram for little reminders @BobGentry


OKAY! I’m excited to officially announce my new EP Back on the Horse set to release this October! I am kicking it all off with my first single “20 Years to Life” coming out this Friday. Be the first to hear an unreleased song from the new EP before it’s out: Feel free to share!!!

We’ll send an email with more updates real soon!!!

Back On The Horse EP – Coming Soon!

Covid Music Sessions

I have some NEW MUSIC coming out soon…real soon! I’ll update as the dates get closer, but I think a new single will be out in a few weeks! Woot! I’m excited and yet a little nervous. Mostly, I’m just grateful that I’m getting the opportunity to do something I love. More to come on release stuff!

The last few weeks, I’ve been doing a little recording, as well as some video stuff for an upcoming Christmas stream Blue Élan Records is doing for the holiday. Last year, the label had this fantastical Christmas Party, followed by a recording studio gathering the following day, but there’s this Covid thing… I’m sure you’ve heard of it. 😉 Covid has put quite a few delays on things… my full album is now scheduled some time in 2021, but there’s an EP coming before then. It’s a tough time to release anything since Live Music (other than internet stuff) has stopped. — I can’t wait to play live again …to a live audience.

Meanwhile, it’s a good time to write, and record – though it’s trickier with social distancing and masks. We all look like gangsters. Ha!

Here’s a handful of photos from my last Hollywood recording session…. I post all this stuff on Facebook and Instagram but I figured I’d better have some Blog Representation.

*Please forgive my crazy Bird Nest hair… I haven’t cut the top since the start of Corona other than once to shave it all off with clippers. The hair? I’m actually having fun with it by letting it go crazy.

More to come!

Being Social

Photo by Val Riolo 2020

I’ve been trying to build my Facebook Music Page, which is almost identical to my personal page only more geared towards music, of course. It’s funny because it seems like more people want to be on the personal page. The trouble is, the personal page only allows for 5000 friends so it’s hard to accept every connection that comes in; I try though. Even if you’re on my personal page, it would be a great help if you Liked the Music one.

I admit, I’m still learning Instagram and slowly starting to build that too– It’s fun [what the hell are Stories again?!?!?]. I used to update a lot more on all social media formats but I’ve slowed down a bit and been more of a lurker these days… but with upcoming music releases and news, I’ll have more to say 😛

I’m ever-so-grateful to get a friend request, but I had to uninstall FB Messenger on my phone. Sure, I could Mute it, but it’s becoming a challenge to keep up with Post Comments and Direct Messages. These certainly are not bad problems to have! So, I sometimes miss those direct messages.

The other day, I had some new photos taken [one pictured above]. It’s been almost 10 years since I sat for real photos. I admit, I was a little nervous…not to have my photo taken, but more because I wasn’t sure what I looked like these days being a lil’ older. I think we all sort of picture ourselves at a certain age. I look at a picture of myself from 15 years ago and think “Oh, I remember that shot“…and yet, I’ll have a friend over who looks at the same photo and says “Hey, who’s that!” HA!

As for getting older, I’m actually feeling ok with it and embracing it as best as I can.

String Me Up!

With Michael Parnell and his amazing crew!

Such fun! Strings add a whole new level to the tracks. These guys are Top-Notch!!

I snuck in the room to shoot a little video while they were playing. It’s an entirely different experience being on the inside of the sound booth.

I told Dave Darling on numerous occasions, that I really hit the jackpot with him producing me. This has been such a fantastic recording experience…so much so, that on the final day of tracking, I felt like a kid being kicked out of Disney Land…. I wanted to dig my nails into that studio and wait for security to escort me from the building.

There’s this sinking feeling of depression that hit me. Of course, I’m also excited and nervous to get the new stuff out there, but recording and creating is my favorite part. I guess I’ll have to just write more…but still, I’m not gonna lie, I have some major blues at the moment.

I’m not sure when things will be mixed, mastered, and released, but I’m assuming some time in 2020. I know there’s still lots to do to prepare for that, so I’ll focus on that stuff for now.