Being Social

Photo by Val Riolo 2020

I’ve been trying to build my Facebook Music Page, which is almost identical to my personal page only more geared towards music, of course. It’s funny because it seems like more people want to be on the personal page. The trouble is, the personal page only allows for 5000 friends so it’s hard to accept every connection that comes in; I try though. Even if you’re on my personal page, it would be a great help if you Liked the Music one.

I admit, I’m still learning Instagram and slowly starting to build that too– It’s fun [what the hell are Stories again?!?!?]. I used to update a lot more on all social media formats but I’ve slowed down a bit and been more of a lurker these days… but with upcoming music releases and news, I’ll have more to say πŸ˜›

I’m ever-so-grateful to get a friend request, but I had to uninstall FB Messenger on my phone. Sure, I could Mute it, but it’s becoming a challenge to keep up with Post Comments and Direct Messages. These certainly are not bad problems to have! So, I sometimes miss those direct messages.

The other day, I had some new photos taken [one pictured above]. It’s been almost 10 years since I sat for real photos. I admit, I was a little nervous…not to have my photo taken, but more because I wasn’t sure what I looked like these days being a lil’ older. I think we all sort of picture ourselves at a certain age. I look at a picture of myself from 15 years ago and think “Oh, I remember that shot“…and yet, I’ll have a friend over who looks at the same photo and says “Hey, who’s that!” HA!

As for getting older, I’m actually feeling ok with it and embracing it as best as I can.